Read how teachers are reshaping their courses and benefiting from MyMathLab.
Delivering Results
“I wondered if my students were prepared enough [for the End of Course Exam]. But when I saw the results, I was really pleased: 74 percent of them passed on their first try—a huge improvement over last year’s pass rate of 45 percent.”
--Stephanie Fike, Teacher, Woodlawn High school (LA)
Motivating Students
“Students have reacted in a positive manner. Most of the students love the immediate feedback and the support features. I have had students tell me that in the past they did not do well in math, but this program motivates students to work problems until they get 100%.
--Teacher, The Dunham School (LA)
"On the days we spent in the computer lab, students arrived to class eager to work--a big change from lecture days. There was no playing around. Students were prepared and focused on the task ahead.”
--Lisa Hoppenstedt, Teacher, Tara High School (LA)
Enhancing Class Time
“MyMathLab has been a great resource in my classroom. It has helped to motivate students, enhance student engagement, and increase the efficiency of class time. As a result, I am able to have students complete activities that require critical thinking and problem solving.”
--Teacher, The Dunham School (LA)
“MyMathLab has transformed the learning environment in my classroom. It eliminates the need for me to take class time checking homework and going over answers. I am able to individualize instruction for my students.”
--Teacher, The Dunham School (LA)